Sensory Garden
Also known as the Scholars' Garden, the Sensory Garden provides a haven for visitors to relax and rejuvenate.
Located between the library and AJ block of AUT North campus.
Student projects
This garden is a space for ongoing student projects. Students from Lifestyle Nutrition are given the opportunity to rejuvenate the planter boxes with herbs to be incorporated into recipes or herbal tea.
"We wanted to establish a warm and welcoming green area for students to potentially study and relax in. Additionally, we added various herbs to the garden for students to pick and use at their leisure to further promote the garden. We hope that the garden gets upgraded further with new pathways, sheltered seating and possibly a drinking fountain, things that we were not able to do due to time restraints and funding." Students from Lifestyle Nutrition, 2023
From the garden
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis L.) has a strong lemony scent and has been proven to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and stress when brewed as a tea.
Leaves and stalks can be used fresh or dried, add freshly boiled water and brew for 2 minutes.
Relax and enjoy.