Native Tree Planting
What’s Happening

An ongoing community project
Smith Bush is located in Northcote, a 5 minute walk from AUT North Campus.
Over the past years, students have been involved in an initiative of collecting, propagation and germination of seedlings from Smith Bush.
Seedling propagation
Native seeds collected from Smith's Bush are prepared for germination at AUT North campus.
Seedlings successfully harvested and grown include Kahikatea, Tairairi and Kohekohe.

The process
Steps for successful harvested included:
Collection: students collect seeds that are available at that time of year (March/April), and can be used or needed at campuses.
Germination: Seeds are placed in trays of seed raising mix at the correct depth and spacing for that species.
Propagation: Seed trays were placed in the nursery space, which has an irrigation system which we can set to run automatically and placed in more or less sun depending on species.
Monitor: weed as necessary, remove fallen leaves and wait to see what emerges.
North campus native tree planting (2023)
North campus:
Next to the bus walkway
9 Kauri, Agathis australis
3 Northern rata, Metrosideros robusta
5 Toro, Myrsine salicina
3 Miro, Prumnopitys ferruginea
3 Tanekaha, Phyllocladus trichomanoides
3 Rewarewa, Knightia excelsa
1 Rimu, Dacrydium cupressinum
3 Black Maire, Nestegis cunninghamii
3 Hinau, Eleocarpus dentatus
2 Makamaka, Ackama rosifolia
3 Oro oro, Nestegis montana
3 Taraire, Beilschmiedia taraire
1 Puriri, Vitex lucens
3 Blue totora, Podocarpus totora “Matapouri Blue”
1 Rewarewa, Knightia excelsa
Below car park seven
3 Ngaio, Myoporum laetum
6 Wharangi, Melicope ternate

South campus native tree planting (2023)
By the creek
150 Manuka, Leptospermum scoparium
6 Kahikatea, Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
1 Puriri, Vitex lucens
3 Taraire, Beilschmiedia taraire
3 Kowhai, Sophora microphylla
On the motorway boundary
3 Rimu, Dacrydium cupressinum
3 Wharangi, Melicope ternate
3 Miro, Prumnopitys ferruginea